As the weather wasn't quite sure what it was doing today I stayed in and had a long overdue tidy of my craft room. There's no way I was taking a picture of it though, there wasn't even an inch square space to create on - it really was/is that bad. (I write this in the past and present tense as it's still a WIP.)
Anyway, I though I'd post a few photo's from the Holt Hoot! last month. My camera battery died part way through the day so there's not as many as I'd like but at least I managed to take the 'Crafters Choice' projects and the food....yum!
'Crafters Choice' is for everyone to bring along a handmade project made mainly with Stampin' Up! products and everyone gets to vote for their favourite. It's a free competition and this time we had 2 prizes to give away. The project with the most votes was from Irene - this absolutely gorgeous 'I can count' book made for her grandaughter. Isn't it gorgeous?!?!?!

And here's some of the pages inside...

And the second most voted for was Aly's stunning stationery box.

Irene and Aly both won themselves a Designer Printed 12x12 Album. Well done ladies!!
And here are the other fantastic entries - all of them were absolutely superb!

My Mum prepares the 'buffet' at my events and I'm very lucky that she does. Scrumptious is all I will say, along with my MIL's
HUGE cupcakes! These are real whoppers and I dare anyone to eat one without getting the butter icing up their

Everyone sure does get stuck in and I can't say I blame them...

And here's my Mum with her friend Joyce who helped with the teas this time. My mum is on the right looking like Mini Mouse ;)

I gave up trying to take a picture of the third project we did on the day but you can see the basket on the left hand side of this photo. This was the table with the afternoon sample projects along with the Raffle Prizes.

It was a fantastic day, I only wish I managed to take more photos. Sods law the battery went!
I must also give a big thank you to Julie for helping out on the day too - you were a great help to me Julie. mwah!
I love organising my All Day Craft Events and the next one, as I've already mentioned, is now in the planning. A little different with a change of Venue, more classes and when I say all day I mean ALL day....
Saturday 10th September
10am to 10pm!
Cobham Sports and Social Club
Save the date!